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Posted on under buginese, discussing lontara, script, and whatnot.


Lontara script is the traditional script of various Sulawesi nations, eg. Buginese and Makassarese. Orthographically speaking, Lontara falls into the abugida type of scripts. It works basically like Indian Devanagari and Javanese Hanacaraka among others.

The Script

How to Read

1st line: lontara

2nd line: US keyboard projection of Windows Buginese characters

3rd line: pronunciation


ᨀ - ᨁ - ᨂ - ᨃ

k - g - x - f

ka - ga - nga - ngka

ᨄ - ᨅ - ᨆ - ᨇ

p - b - m - M

pa - ba - ma - mpa

ᨈ - ᨉ - ᨊ - ᨋ

t - d - n - N

ta - da - na - nra

ᨌ - ᨍ - ᨎ - ᨏ

c - j - z - w

ca - ja - nya - nca

ᨐ - ᨑ - ᨒ - ᨓ

y - r - l - v

ya - ra - la - wa

ᨔ - ᨕ - ᨖ

s - a - h

sa - a - ha


ᨔᨗ - ᨔᨘ - ᨔᨙ - ᨔᨚ - ᨔᨛ

(with ᨔ /sa/ as the placeholder occupying the consonant position)

i - u - e - o - q

i - u - e - o - strong schwa sound

Keyboard Layout

Fig. 1. US keyboard layout for Buginese language on Windows 11.
Fig. 2. US keyboard layout with SHIFT for Buginese language on Windows 11.

Activating the Buginese language feature of Windows 11 is pretty straightforward. Just go to Settings > Time & language > Language & region and add Buginese as one of your preferred languages.